So why are there so many people who use it at the end of virtually everything they type? Do they think it's some kind of fancy internet-only punctuation? Do they think that LOL stands for something closer to QED? Or, most horrifying, are they really under the impression that everything is that funny?
For example,
Person 1: Does anyone know what time the play is tonight?
Person 2: I think it's at seven lol
Person 1: Thanks! lol
Are these two people huffing paint while Facebooking or what?
There's a person who works near me that does this in real life. I used to think she and her colleagues were having so much fun I was kind of jealous but then I realized that she just laughs at the end of every single sentence.
This is what I imagine when I see a lol infested conversation:
Also, in case you're wondering why I'm able to blog two times in two days: we are in the midst of finals so it's either this or actually grade something (shudder).